Compound Search Help
The search box on which you have just clicked the help icon is enhanced from
the standard ones by Compound Searcher plugin.
- Specify words separated by space(s) to search posts containing all the
- e.g. specifying pasta sauce, you would get posts which contain both "pasta" and "sauce."
- Quote a string containing space(s) by double quotes to search posts
which contain phrase(s) consisted of those words only in the order.
- e.g. specifying "pasta sauce", you
would get posts which contain words such as "pasta sauce" or
"pastasauce", but not necessarily "sauce of pasta" or "sauce pasta."
- Insert an asterisk (*) in a word without any space to search posts which
contain the word(s) regardless of what the part of the asterisk is.
- e.g. specifying pasta*sauce, you
would get posts which contain words such as "pasta-sauce", "pasta and
sauce" or "pasta sauce", but not necessarily "sauce of pasta."
- Prepend a minus sign (-) without any space to a word to search posts
which do not contain the word(s).
- e.g. specifying sauce -pasta, you
would get posts which contain "sauce" but no "pasta."
- Specify two words separated by " OR " in upper case to search posts
which contain either of words or both. This takes precedence over words
separated by space(s) only.
- e.g. specifying pasta OR sauce, you
would get posts which contain at least one of "pasta" and "sauce."
- You can combine the above expression. Use a pair of parenthesis to group
expressions if needed.
- e.g. specifying italian pasta OR spaghetti
sauce -(tomato OR olive), you would get posts which contain both
"italian" and "sauce" and either of "pasta" and "spaghetti" but "tomato"
nor "olive."
It searches in the bodies and titles of posts in a case-insensitive manner.